Oil on Canvas Paper, 8.5x11” (2019-20)

Alt Text: The background is an atmospheric blend of different hues of greens, from strokes of a bright lime to a deeper cadmium greens. In the foreground, on the left there’s a floating head with deep purple skin and 3 eyes. Their third eye is highlighted with yellow paint. The purple being’s cheeks have twin Sankofa heart symbols painted over them in red. Their throat shines blue and red lines and circles connect them to a floating black body. In a hand to the side with nails painted red, there’s a human face held in the hand with red painted over the eyes and a red line coming out of the face connecting it to the purple being’s third eye. All around are red flames outlined in the same bright red on the faces.


Forrest (2019-20)


In a Mood (2022)